Mineral Food
Mineral Feed for aquarium shrimp, crayfish and snails
Supplementary feed
for shrimp, crayfish, snails in freshwater Aquariums
With the GlasGarten Mineral Food (Cubes/Hearts/Leaves) you can supply your favorite invertebrates in the aquarium with important minerals over a longer period of time. Simply place a Mineral Food in the aquarium and the animals will nibble on the minerals.
by Logemann Brothers
The Mineral Food from GlasGarten is a supplementary feed for ornamental shrimps, snails, crayfish and crabs in the aquarium/terrarium.
With GlasGarten Mineral Food (cubes, hearts and leaf shapes) you can provide your favorite invertebrates in the aquarium with minerals over a longer period of time and, depending on the variety, with important additives such as fiber, proteins, vitamins, potassium, iron and tannins. Simply place a piece of Mineral Food in the aquarium and the animals will nibble on the minerals.
The minerals contained in the Mineral Food are also gradually released into the water and can thus improve the microbiology in the filter and substrate.
For successful molting in shrimps, crayfish and crabs and against pitting in snail shells. Snails also use minerals to repair any existing shell damage.
The Mineral Food can remain in the aquarium permanently until it has been eaten or dissolved; it does not pollute the water.
The GlasGarten Mineral Food consists of 100% natural ingredients. Minerals have a direct influence on the total hardness (GH) and the conductivity (µS) of the water, so the GH and the conductivity can increase slightly through the use of the Mineral Food, which is desirable and harmless when fed as recommended.
The Mineral Pure Cubes contain only important minerals. Minerals are important for successful molting in shrimps, crayfish and crabs and against hole-eating in snail shells.
The Mineral Artemia Cubes contain important minerals as well as decapsulated Artemia eggs. Shrimp and snails in particular find this extra portion of protein really tasty and it also helps your aquarium inhabitants to regenerate and stay fit.
The Mineral Woody Cubes contain minerals as well as wood fibers. Shrimp and snails in particular find this very tasty, wood fibers are important for the animals as fiber and ensure good digestion.
The Mineral Hearts contain minerals as well as delicious algae, spinach and peppers. Spinach is particularly popular with shrimps and the heart shape also shows how much you like yours… ;o)
The Mineral Leaves contain not only minerals but also parts of leaves. Shrimps and snails particularly like the leaves of nettles, dandelions and walnuts. The leaf fibers are also rich in numerous important ingredients, such as potassium, iron, vitamins, tannins, etc.
The GlasGarten Mineral Mix consists of a combination of our different mineral varieties Woody, Artemia, Leaves and Hearts.
each Cube (Pure, Woody, Artemia, Heart): approx. 10 x 10 x 10 mm
each Leave (Mineral Leaves): approx. 23 x 18 x 4 mm
One Mineral Cube / Mineral Leave for approx. 15-30 Liter Aquarium water
One Mineral Heart for approx. 10-20 Liter Aquarium water
Pure Cubes: Minerals
Artemia Cubes: Minerals, Artemia, Pepper
Woody Cubes: Minerals, wood fibers (cellulose), walnut leaves
Mineral Hearts: Minerals, algae, spinach, Paprika, mollusks and crustaceans, fennel
Mineral Leaves: Minerals, nettle leaves, dandelion leaves, walnut leaves
Mineral Mix: Minerals, wood fibers (cellulose), Artemia, nettle leaves, dandelion leaves, walnut leaves, algae, spinach, Paprika, mollusks and crustaceans, fennel
Feeding Cubes
Feeding Hearts
Feeding Leaves
Content: optionally with 8 or 16 pcs
At the Mix: 2 or 4 each Mineral Woody Cubes, Mineral Artemia Cubes, Mineral Leaves, Mineral Hearts
Made in Germany
More product informations
Pure Cubes | 8 pcs. | 4260361274045 |
Pure Cubes | 16 pcs. | 4260361274236 |
Artemia Cubes | 8 pcs. | 4260361274069 |
Artemia Cubes | 16 pcs. | 4260361274250 |
Woody Cubes | 8 pcs. | 4260361274052 |
Woody Cubes | 16 pcs. | 4260361274243 |
Mineral Hearts | 8 pcs. | 4260361270979 |
Mineral Hearts | 16 pcs. | 4260361274274 |
Mineral Leaves | 8 pcs. | 4260361274076 |
Mineral Leaves | 16 pcs. | 4260361274267 |
Mineral Mix | 8 pcs. | 4260361274090 |
Mineral Mix | 16 pcs. | 4260361274281 |
Packaging | PP 5, PAP 22 – Plastic bag with cardboard hanger |